Be Prepared for Any Situation

Sign up for a Rescue course!

Our Rescue course is designed for certified Advanced Divers to develop their knowledge and skills to perform self-rescues and buddy rescues and to assist and administer necessary first aid. CPR training is part of this course. This course helps you to recognize potential problems while diving and how to handle issues that may arise during a dive.


  • Scheduled Group Classes: $350 per Person
  • CPR/AED (If Needed): $100
  • 02 Provider (If Needed): $60
  • Open Water Entry Fees: TBD

Time Commitment

  • Self-Study E-Learning: 5–10 Hours
  • Entire Course: 4–7 Days


  • Open Water and Advanced Certifications
  • Active Emergency First Responder (EFR) Certification
  • Medically Fit for Diving

What's Included

  • You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box.
  • Alternatively, when you select a text box, a settings menu will appear.
  • Selecting ‘Edit Text’ from this menu will also allow you to edit the text within this text box.
  • Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable, and easy to understand as if you were talking to your customer.

Class Overview

  • Perform Diver Rescues and Assists.
  • Learn and Administer Necessary First Aid.
  • Improve and Practice Navigation Skills (Search).
Dolphin Jumping In the Sea
Panorama of Idyllic Tropical Beach with Palm Tree
View Beneath Surface